What languages are available for translation?

Our company specializes in professional translation of the following languages: Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian, Moldavian, Polish, English, Dutch, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Azerbaijani, Czech, Arabic, Roma, Greek (and others on request).

About us

Is remote cooperation possible?

Of course! It doesn't matter what part of the World you are in - all you need to do is send scanned copies of the documents for translation to our e-mail and get back a fully translated document.

Find out more

About prices:

In most cases, we offer very competitive prices for quality translation of our clients' texts, and if you find a cheaper price, we will be happy to give a discount for you!


About cooperation with other translation agencies:

We are always open for cooperation with other translation agencies, if you need to involve our translation specialists - just contact us!
